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Transparency - part 2
This is a follow-up piece I wrote this for EcoTextileNews - it was published in the October 2020 issue In a previous article (ETN August...
The big picture...
When we draw supply chain maps - we need to know what the lines between the blobs mean
Even when nobody is looking...
It felt like there was more discussion of product transparency (the ability to know the 'who', 'where' and 'how' of a product's...
On trust...
I believe trust and transparency are very different concepts - but both influence our behaviour towards others (people and brands). The...
The measure of intelligence
Global supply networks are complex systems - so their behaviour is unpredictable when operating conditions change. That's just how it is....
When is a door not a door..?
If we are going to improve sustainability performance of the products we buy it might be helpful to talk about networks not chains
Why am I (still) doing this...?
I'm interested in helping organisations achieve the change they need to deliver better performance in areas that are often called...
Can we stop...
Please can we stop calling the complex, dynamic and multitudinous collection of organisations and processes that are required to turn raw...
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